Posts Tagged ‘Self-Awareness’
Internal and External Awareness: What They Are and Why You Need Them
Internal and External Awareness: What They Are and Why You Need Them Awareness is important to navigate through life. Just think—to be a safe driver, you need to be vigilant and aware of the other cars on the road. To dress appropriately for the weather, you need to be aware of the temperature outside. Or,…
Read MoreWhy You Need a Divorce Team [And How to Get Started]
Why You Need a Divorce Team [And How to Get Started] Divorce can make you feel so alone. Trust me, I know. My first Christmas post-divorce stands out in particular. Instead of all our regular traditions—matching PJs, opening gifts, house full of extended family for the day —it was different. It was just my son…
Read MoreIt’s Time to Dream: Using Seasonal Alignment to Reach Your Goals
It’s Time to Dream: Using Seasonal Alignment to Reach Your Goals Do you ever wonder why we set New Year’s Resolutions each January 1? I think it has something to do with winter being the “Dream Season.” You see, the differences between seasons are more than precipitation or sunshine levels—they actually align with your energy…
Read MoreHow Your First Three Years Shape Your Adult Life [And Why it Matters]
How Your First Three Years Shape Your Adult Life [And Why it Matters] When you look back on your life, there are probably a few experiences or influences that obviously shaped your life how it is today. This could be your college major, the city you chose to live in, or your relationships. But to…
Read MoreThe Power of Words: 20 Mantras to Start Your Day Right
The Power of Words: 20 Mantras to Start Your Day Right You already know the power of words—you’ve seen it in your life. You’ve felt how a kind, encouraging word has lifted your mood. Equally, you’ve probably experienced how a harsh or rude word has made you feel worse about yourself. Despite the common refrain…
Read MoreTrust Your Gut: What it Means and How to Do it with One Simple Exercise
Trust Your Gut: What it Means and How to Do it with One Simple Exercise How many times have you heard, “Just trust your gut. Listen to your intuition.” Okay… sure. But what does that even mean? Even though all of us have intuition that leads and guides us through our lives, we’re not always…
Read MoreHow Chocolate Can Teach Lessons on Self-Awareness, Business, and Trusting Your Intuition
How Chocolate Taught Tina Codinha Lessons on Self-Awareness, Business, and Trusting Your Intuition Many of us experience pivots and changes throughout our careers — I know I have. But what drives those changes? And, how do we know when we end up in the right place? Because anyone can quit their job and go get…
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