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The Power of Segmentation: Why You Need to Start Tagging Your Leads and How To Do It

When you’re starting out with your business, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it.

You know?

And the power of segmentation through tagging your leads in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program is one of those things.

When I started out, I was in doing mode—focusing on go, go, go and getting things done.

But once I learned just how powerful tagging and sorting leads in my CRM was, I’ve never looked back.

Here’s what it’s all about and how you can get started to transform your business through the power of segmentation.

What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is simply the process of grouping your clients and business activities into different categories based on shared commonalities. Specifically, I’m talking about segmentation through the process of tagging your leads in a CRM system.

Here are a few types of tags you may use to segment your client base:

  • Lead generation: How did your clients come to you?
  • Funnel location: Where are they in your sales funnel?
  • Demographics and psychographics: What are the specific characteristics of this client?
  • Purchasing behavior: What are they buying and how often?

Tagging can be either broad or specific and is useful for so many ways. I’ll dive into some examples later on so you can see it work in action.

"One of the best business benefits of your digital database, no matter what sort of customer relationship management system you are using—or a CRM as we will call it—is it provides you the ability to organize and systematize your leads so that you can do so much more with your business."

Benefits of Segmentation in Your Business

Besides pure organization, what are the benefits of using tags to segment your business?

There are so many.

When I implemented this into my work, here’s what I noticed:

  • Easier time identifying which lead sources led to conversions.
  • Quickly filter leads to know which ones to prioritize following up with.
  • Identify which offers are most attractive to my audience.
  • Create more effective and customized email campaigns.
  • Pull useful reports and data so I can generate intentional and predictable goals.

Tagging lets you automate so many processes. Instead of manually sifting through information, you can generate a report at a click of a button that gives you knowledge about where to focus your time, energy, and efforts on.

And because of this automation, you’re ultimately saving time, energy, and money. You know exactly where to focus efforts and do it with ease.

Another reason I like to be able to tag our lead sources with a little more detail is because I believe when you focus on only a few lead sources versus all of them, you become much more of an expert in that space which increases your efficiency and effectiveness.

Tagging Examples for Your CRM

Okay, so you might be wondering, just how exactly do I get started?

Well, as mentioned, tagging can be broad or very specific. So, let’s start with an example—lead source. Where did your clients come from?

You start with a broad category like online leads, and tag every person who came to you through your website, ads, social media, or other online activities.

Then, you go a bit further and look specifically at social media, tagging anyone who came to you through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Okay, great. You see there’s a huge group of people from Facebook, so decide to get even more granular. There are people who come from paid ads or organic conversions through your FB Group.

But you’re part of a ton of Facebook groups, so maybe you identify the specific group name in your tags. This way you can see which one is generating the most leads and, therefore, where you should spend the most time online.

As you can see, we started really broad, but ended really narrow. All of these tags are important because you can create reports based on them and really understand what’s going on for each segment of your business.

You can repeat this process for different segments, too:

  • Lead magnets: Which free resource is bringing in the most leads?
  • Past clients: Who did you work with in the past? By tagging them, you can send specific and targeted emails asking for referrals or promoting a new in-depth offering.
  • Buying interest: Where are they in your sales funnel? These could be hot leads, those ready to buy in 6 months, or people just expressing initial interest.
  • Demographics: Things like age, location, career, income.
  • Psychographics: Behaviors, opinions, interests.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Whatever way you can think of categorizing leads, you can tag them. And in doing so, you create meaningful data to help you scale, automate, and grow your business.

Check out episode 23 on the Determined AF pod for more guidance on tagging your leads!

If you’re looking for more life-changing organizational strategies for your biz, check out my free resource: a 6-step system for building a great strategic plan.

Now, get out there and start tagging!

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About Me

I'm Jamie Milam, a determined AF woman who's embraced life after divorce by finding peace through self-awareness, intentional decision-making, and thrilling new travel adventures.

As a Realtor® in Charlotte, NC (and your connection to top agents nationwide), I’m passionate about guiding you through your homeownership and design goals—while also helping you create space for the things you love. My mission is to empower you to create a life of alignment too - at home, abroad, and within.

Whether it’s through real estate tips, home design inspiration, or solo travel experiences for divorced, independent women, I hope this space encourages you to discover deeper self-awareness and build a life that aligns with your passions and needs.

Have you scoped the podcast that empowers women to make aligned decisions in a divorce?

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Jamie Milam is a Realtor® in the Charlotte, NC area, licensed in both NC & SC, and has the ability to refer you to a number of agent partners across the nation, regardless of where you may live. She is an enthusiast for the power of awareness and believes it can be used in all facets of life to support aligned living.


**Disclosure** This post may contain affiliate links and they are at no additional cost to you, though I may earn a small commission. Don't worry, I only recommend products or services that I have tried or believe would be of great value to you! All opinions expressed are those of my own!

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Come from contribution, that's a motto I've valued for years! So... that's exactly what I am to provide you, straight into your inbox each week! No fluff and all open-book. Inspiring you to practice awareness, value your authentic self, and implement strategic actions so you can create alignment in your world to live the life you desire and deserve!

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