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The Power of Words:
20 Mantras to Start Your Day Right
You already know the power of words—you've seen it in your life.
You've felt how a kind, encouraging word has lifted your mood. Equally, you've probably experienced how a harsh or rude word has made you feel worse about yourself. Despite the common refrain about sticks and stones, we know that words can actually hurt us too.
I recently talked about this on the pod over in episode 44.
Our words have the power to both uplift or tear down. And not just for your relationships, but for yourself.
That's why it's important to speak kindly to yourself and use the power of words to put you on the right path.
And what better way to do this than to start your morning on the right foot?
So let's dive into how mantras can actually make a difference in your day to day and I'll share 20 mantras to channel the power of language and start your day off right.
The Science Behind Mantras
Mantras aren't a super woo-woo type of thing—they're just words and phrases you tell yourself with intention. They're ideas or thoughts to meditate and reflect on.
And we actually know that these words and phrases are powerful in reframing your mindset. A 2021 study found that verbal encouragement (i.e., "go as far as you can!") improves performance on a balance test. A similar study from 2020 found that encouragement from a teacher during a game resulted in greater enjoyment and positive moods among players.
And, interestingly, one 2018 study actually recommended that doctors use different language to facilitate recovery, such as saying "normal age changes" instead of "chronic degenerative changes."
This all tells us that words do, in fact, have the power to influence how you think and feel.
And that means using daily mantras—speaking to yourself with intention—can be the mindset shift and reframe you need to turn your day around. The thoughts, words, and ideas you put in your mind will have an impact on how you think, feel, and act.

"Life constantly offers dual narratives; the magic lies in recognizing them and then intentionally selecting which one you amplify in your story.”
- Jamie on episode 44 of Determined AF podcast
20 Mantras to Improve Your Day
Here's the thing about mantras—there's no right or wrong one. You can absolutely make up your own mantras, borrow them from friends or family, or look to thoughtful and influential leaders, celebrities, and thinkers.
Here are some powerful mantras I like to reflect on, both from my own thinking and public figures I look up to.
Simple Daily Mantras
- "Change is part of your life journey." We're often resistant to change, thinking it's going to be bad or too difficult. But the reality is that life is change — it's part of your story. If you accept it, you can start to see how it will serve you.
- "Your most important plan is yourself." If you've been here for even a short time, you know I love a good plan. But plans start with yourself — your awareness, your goals, your development. So, prioritize accordingly!
- "Trust in your potential." You've got this, I know you do. Whatever your big goal, dream, or plan is, trust in your potential to get you there.
- "I value my core self and honor it with high regard." Your emotions, wants and needs are all valid. Honoring them in your daily action is not selfish, it's self love and it leads by example.
- "I've got this." Yes, yes you do!
- "I am strong, capable, and competent." Swap these out with any encouraging words that speak to your character and capabilities.
- "I have all the tools I need to handle anything that comes my way today." You can even get more granular and use this as a journal prompt to write out the specific supports you have at your disposal.
- "There is a benefit and an opportunity in every experience I have." Even the hard or unforeseen things can lead to something amazing.
- "I may stumble, but I never stay on the ground." It's okay to stumble sometimes, but you also have the ability to pick yourself up and move forward.
- "I am worthy of the life I envision." If you've ever been told you'll never achieve something or there's only a certain way to do it, this one is to remind you that you are unique. Your experiences and insight is unique. If you're determined, you can achieve anything you desire so you can live the life you deserve.
Daily Mantras from Public Figures
- "We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated." (Maya Angelou) You may be feeling down due to your work, your family, or your finances. Truth is, life is full of challenges and defeats. But what are you going to do about them? You have the power to overcome.
- "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." (Oprah Winfrey) I know there are real challenges in your life, and I don't want to discount them. But, friend, you have to take the time to celebrate the good things, too! Whether small or big, take some time to be grateful for the good in your life.
- "There are no mistakes, only opportunities." (Tina Fey) How are you thinking about your mistakes? Try to reframe them into opportunities so you can move through them and onto bigger and better things.
- "Everything is Figureoutable." (Marie Forleo) Not only is this quote from one of my favorite authors (check out her book Everything is Figureoutable) but I love just saying it! It shows that there always is some kind of answer and, more than that, you are able to access it.
- "What we know matters but who we are matters more." (Brene Brown) The things you do throughout the day are important, of course. But who are you becoming? What's your character like? Who do you want to be? That all matters more. And, the good news is that it's in your control to be the person you want to be each and every day.
- "If you see someone without a smile today, give 'em yours." (Dolly Parton) Turn your day around by making someone else's day great. A smile and hello goes along way to boosting both of your moods!
- "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." (Oscar Wilde) Go out and be your own authentic self today—you are who this world needs.
- "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible!'" (Audrey Hepburn) Don't limit yourself by labeling things as impossible. Instead, what's possible today?
- "Success if falling nine times and getting up ten." (Jon Bon Jovi) Don't let the fear of failing keep you from trying. Get back up and you will get to your goals.
- "Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." (Gloria Steinem) What are your dreams today? Dream big!
"Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry."
~ Joyce Meyer
Which one stood out to you? Pick one and let it guide you today.
And remember, there's no magic in these words, but there is power in them. The words you tell yourself can be transformational and impactful in your daily actions and choices. After all, your mind only knows what you tell it.
So what kind of inputs are you feeding your mind today? Engage in some positive self-talk and just see how your mood and day turn around.
If you're interested in concepts like self-awareness and the power of self-talk, I encourage you to check out episode 25 of the Determined AF podcast. In it I reference Brene Brown's book "Atlas of the Heart" and the lessons I learned from it to identify and acknowledge emotions and engage in constructive self-talk.

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About Me
I'm Jamie Milam, a determined AF woman who's embraced life after divorce by finding peace through self-awareness, intentional decision-making, and thrilling new travel adventures.
As a Realtor® in Charlotte, NC (and your connection to top agents nationwide), I’m passionate about guiding you through your homeownership and design goals—while also helping you create space for the things you love. My mission is to empower you to create a life of alignment too - at home, abroad, and within.
Whether it’s through real estate tips, home design inspiration, or solo travel experiences for divorced, independent women, I hope this space encourages you to discover deeper self-awareness and build a life that aligns with your passions and needs.
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Jamie Milam is a Realtor® in the Charlotte, NC area, licensed in both NC & SC, and has the ability to refer you to a number of agent partners across the nation, regardless of where you may live. She is an enthusiast for the power of awareness and believes it can be used in all facets of life to support aligned living.
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