How to Communicate With Your Ex During a Divorce: Practical Tips and Insights

Woman leaning against a desk and looking at her phone.

How to Communicate With Your Ex During a Divorce: Practical Tips and Insights Nothing tests your communication skills and emotional regulation like getting divorced. It’s an intense process that amplifies how you work through conflict and communicate under pressure. And while it’s normal to have strong feelings and challenges communicating with an ex, it’s so…

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Dollars and Cents: Understanding Marital Interest and Equitable Distribution During Divorce

Woman signing paperwork with a pencil.

Dollars and Cents: Understanding Marital Interest and Equitable Distribution During Divorce There are many things to expect during divorce: big emotions, new routines, and a whole bunch of post-divorce “firsts” you didn’t expect. But one less-anticipated, but equally important, aspect of navigating divorce is splitting your assets. The excuses to ignore this important topic are already…

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Supporting Your Kids Through Divorce: What to Expect & How to Deal

A woman kneeling down next to a young girl

Supporting Your Kids Through Divorce: What to Expect and How to Deal Whether it’s a new school, a friendship fallout, a different neighborhood, or divorcing parents—transitions are hard for children. Transitions are hard for adults, too, but our kids—especially the little ones—don’t know how to communicate what they’re experiencing and don’t know how to navigate…

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Your First Thing To Do When Getting Divorced: Make a List

Woman writing in a journal in front of a laptop

Your First Thing To Do When Getting Divorced: Make a List Between the emotional, legal, financial, and practical components, divorce is no simple process. You’re pulled a thousand ways during the process, left with another thousand questions about what to do with your house, how to manage finances, plans for the kids, and how to…

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Divorce Resources for Women: How to Find Holistic Support

Three women talking while siting at a table

Divorce Resources for Women: How to Find Holistic Support Divorce impacts millions of people each year. Just in 2021, there were a total of 689,308 divorces across the 45 states that report statistics. Double that number to represent each partner, add a few children in, and we’re looking at millions of impacted people. And it’s because…

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Why You Need a Divorce Team [And How to Get Started]

Why You Need a Divorce Team [And How to Get Started] Divorce can make you feel so alone. Trust me, I know. My first Christmas post-divorce stands out in particular. Instead of all our regular traditions—matching PJs, opening gifts, house full of extended family for the day —it was different. It was just my son…

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